Answer To Chess Strategy Puzzle #56

The answer is for white to first play d4. If black plays K-h5, white responds with Q-d3. Black is then forced to play either K-h4 or K-g4. Regardless, white plays Q-h3 and it’s checkmate.

The other alternative after white’s opening move of d4 is for black to play K-g4, instead of the original K-h5, as in the first example. If that’s the case, white simply plays e4, check.  Black is now forced to play K-h4 and white checkmates with g3.

I hope you found the answer. Please see our other posts for more challenging chess puzzles! If you would like to have these puzzles sent to you, just add your email address in the “Subscription Options” box and click “Subscribe.”

Answer To Online Chess Endgame Puzzle #37

The answer is for white to play R-c1 check. Black plays K-e2 and white checks again with R-c2, forcing black to take the white rook and allowing white to queen his pawn.

I hope you found the answer. Look for another new chess puzzle in my next post!

Online Chess Endgame Puzzle #37

Here is another chess endgame puzzle where we’re looking for the winning move.  It’s white to play. See if you can find the correct move. The answer will appear in my next post.

 chess-puzzle #37 p.133

Online Chess Endgame Puzzle #35

Here is another chess endgame puzzle where we’re looking for the winning move.  It’s black to play. See if you can find the correct move. The answer will appear in my next post.

Answers to Online Chess Puzzles 14-16

Here are the answers to the online chess puzzles numbers 14-16. I hope you found the solutions to all of them!

Chess Puzzle #14. The answer is Q-g2. The bishop on f1 can’t recapture as it is pinned by the rook on b1.

Chess Puzzle#15. The answer is N-e7, double check. The black king is forced to h8. Then Nxg6 is checkmate.

Chess Puzzle#16. The answer is R-b7 check. Black then plays BxR. White then plays N-c2, check. Black is forced to play NxN. Then R-b5 is checkmate.

Congratulations if you got them all!