Answers to Online Chess Puzzles 23-25

Here are the answers to the online chess puzzles numbers 23-25. I hope you found the solutions to all of them!

Chess Puzzle #23. The answer is R-h8.

Chess Puzzle #24. The answer is R-h5 check. Black is forced to capture the rook by playing gxh. He obviously can’t take with the king because of the knight on g3. Then N-f5 is checkmate.

Chess Puzzle #25. The answer is Qxe6 check. Black doesn’t have a lot of options and is pretty much forced to play fxe6. White then checkmates black with B-g6.

Congratulations if you got them all!

Answers to Online Chess Puzzles 20-22

Here are the answers to the online chess puzzles numbers 20-22. I hope you found the solutions to all of them!

Chess Puzzle #20. The answer is Q-e5 checkmate. Obviously Q-h5 is not mate as the king escapes on g7.

Chess Puzzle #21. This first checkmate is Q-g6 check, followed by the black king moving to h8 and the Qxg7 is checkmate. The second checkmate is a little trickier. It’s Rxg7, black then plays Kxg7 and Qxh6 is checkmate.

Chess Puzzle #22. The answer is R-f8 check. Black is forced to play Bxf8. White then plays Q-f7 check. Black plays K-d8. White then checkmates black with Q-d7.

Congratulations if you got them all!

Online Chess Puzzles 20-22

Here are three new chess puzzles that I know you will find challenging. As usual, I have included one for beginner level players, one for intermediate level players and one for the advanced players. All puzzles begin with white to play. Good luck!

Chess puzzle #20 is a
beginner level mate in 1.

chess-puzzle 20 B p. 10-1 mate in 1

Chess puzzle #21 is an intermediate level mate in 2
that has two answers. See if you can find both.

chess-puzzle 21 I p. 9-2 mate in 2

And, chess puzzle #22 is an
advanced level mate in 3.

chess-puzzle 22 A p. 12-6 mate in 3

Again, best of luck and look for the correct answers in my next post!

Answers to Online Chess Puzzles 11-13

Here are the answers to the online chess puzzles numbers 11-13. I hope you found the solutions to all of them!

Chess Puzzle #11. The answer is B-f7. Many people incorrectly see B-d3 check, but this allows the black king to escape.

Chess Puzzle #12. The first move here must be a check because black has mate on the move with Qxa1. So the answer is Qxh7 check. The black king is forced to play Kxh7. Then R-h4 is checkmate.

Chess Puzzle #13. This was a tricky one. The answer is Rxg7 check. Black is pretty much forced to play Kxg7. (Because if he plays K-h8, white plays Qxh7 for mate.) So if Kxg7, white plays B-h6 check. If black plays Kxh6 then Q-g5 is mate. Obviously, if black plays K-h8 instead of Kxh6, then Qxf8 is mate.

Congratulations if you got them all!

Online Chess Puzzles 11-13

Here are three new chess puzzles that I know you will find challenging. As usual, I have included one for beginner level players, one for intermediate level players and one for the advanced players. All puzzles begin with white to play. Good luck!

Chess puzzle #11 is a
beginner level mate in 1.

chess-puzzle 11 beginner p.10 #3 mate in 1

Chess puzzle #12 is an
intermediate level mate in 2.

chess-puzzle 12 intermediate p. 7 #6 mate in 2

And, chess puzzle #13 is an
advanced level mate in 3.

chess-puzzle 13 advanced p.12 #5 mate in 3

Again, best of luck and look for the correct answers in my next post!

Answers to Online Chess Puzzles 8-10

Here are the answers to the online chess puzzles numbers 8-10. I hope you found the solutions to all of them!

Chess Puzzle #8.  The answer is white plays Rxe8, black is forced to play Nxe8, and white responds with Rxe8, checkmate.

Chess Puzzle #9.  The answer is white plays N-c7, black is forced to play Kd8, and then N-f7 is mate.

Chess Puzzle #10. There are two possible answers to this problem, depending on how black responds to white’s first move,  which is R-g8+ If black plays Rxg8, then white plays Bf6+. Black is forced to play R-g7, white then follows with R-d8 mate. If Black responds to white’s R-g8+ move with Kxg8, then white plays R-g1, black must then play Kh8 and then B-f6 is checkmate.

Congrats if you got them all!

Online Chess Puzzles 8-10

Here are three new chess puzzles that I know you will find challenging. I have included one for beginner level players, one for intermediate level players and one for the advanced players. All puzzles begin with white to play. Good luck!

Chess puzzle #8 is a beginner level mate in two.

chess-puzzle 8 beginner p.15 #6 mate in 2

Chess puzzle #9 is an intermediate level mate in 2.

chess-puzzle 9  intermediate p. 8 #2 mate in 2

Chess puzzle #10 is an advanced level mate in 3.

chess-puzzle 10  advanced p.12 #3 mate in 3

Again, best of luck and look for the correct answers in my next post!

Answers to Online Chess Puzzles 5-7

Here are the answers to the online chess puzzles numbers 5-7. I hope you found the solutions to all of them!

Chess Puzzle #5. The answer is N-h6. Then after white plays K-h8, black plays B-c3 checkmate. Many people incorrectly see N-e7 check, but this allows the white king to escape.

Chess Puzzle #6. The answer is N-b5 check. The black king is forced to e8. Then N-d6 is checkmate.

Chess Puzzle #7. The answer is R-c8 check. Black is forced to play Nxc8. Then white plays Qxb7 check. Black is forced to play Kxb7. Then B-d5 is mate.

Congratulations if you got them all!

Online Chess Puzzles 5-7

Here are three new chess puzzles that I know you will find challenging. I have included one for beginner level players, one for intermediate level players and one for the advanced players. Good luck!

Chess puzzle #5 is a
beginner level mate in 2.
chess-puzzle 5 beginner p.15 #5 mate in 2

Chess puzzle #6 is an intermediate level
mate in 2. (White to play.)

chess-puzzle 6 intermediate p.8 #5 mate in 2

And, chess puzzle #7 is an
advanced level mate in 3. (White to play.)
chess-puzzle 7 advanced p.12 #4 mate in 3

Again, best of luck and look for the correct answers in my next post!

Answers to Online Chess Puzzles 1-4

Here are the answers to the online chess puzzles numbers 1-4. I hope you figured them all out, but if not, read on.

Chess Puzzle #1.
The answer is Q-a8. This is the only correct answer.
Many new players immediately see Q-h7, but this is only a check and mate in 2, not mate in 1.

Chess Puzzle #2.
The correct answer is K-b6, white must then play K-b8 and black mates with R-h8. Again this is the only correct set of moves to accomplish a mate in 2.

Chess Puzzle #3.
The answer is N-g6 with a double check. Black must play K-f7. Nxh8 is mate.

Chess Puzzle #4.
This one was a little harder than the others, but that’s why it’s called an advanced puzzle. The answer is, Rxd5 check, black must play cxd5, white then plays N-d3 check, black responds with exd3, then f4 is mate.