Answers to Online Chess Puzzles 23-25

Here are the answers to the online chess puzzles numbers 23-25. I hope you found the solutions to all of them!

Chess Puzzle #23. The answer is R-h8.

Chess Puzzle #24. The answer is R-h5 check. Black is forced to capture the rook by playing gxh. He obviously can’t take with the king because of the knight on g3. Then N-f5 is checkmate.

Chess Puzzle #25. The answer is Qxe6 check. Black doesn’t have a lot of options and is pretty much forced to play fxe6. White then checkmates black with B-g6.

Congratulations if you got them all!

Online Chess Puzzles 23-25

Here are three new chess puzzles that I know you will find challenging. As usual, I have included one for beginner level players, one for intermediate level players and one for the advanced players. All puzzles begin with white to play. Good luck!

Chess puzzle #23 is a
beginner level mate in 1.

chess-puzzle 23 B p.10 #5 mate in 1

Chess puzzle #24 is an
intermediate level mate in 2.


chess-puzzle 24 I p.9 #3 mate in 2

And, chess puzzle #25 is an
advanced level mate in 2.


chess-puzzle 25 A p.11 #6 mate in 2

Online Chess Puzzles 17-19

Here are three new chess puzzles that I know you will find challenging. As usual, I have included one for beginner level players, one for intermediate level players and one for the advanced players. All puzzles begin with white to play. Good luck!

Chess puzzle #17 is a
beginner level mate in 1.

chess-puzzle 17 beginner p. 13 #1 mate in 1

Chess puzzle #18 is an
intermediate level mate in 2.

chess-puzzle 18 intermediate p. 9 #1 mate in 2

And, chess puzzle #19 is an
advanced level mate in 3.

chess-puzzle 19 advanced p. 13 # 1 mate in 3

Again, best of luck and look for the correct answers in my next post!

Answers to Online Chess Puzzles 14-16

Here are the answers to the online chess puzzles numbers 14-16. I hope you found the solutions to all of them!

Chess Puzzle #14. The answer is Q-g2. The bishop on f1 can’t recapture as it is pinned by the rook on b1.

Chess Puzzle#15. The answer is N-e7, double check. The black king is forced to h8. Then Nxg6 is checkmate.

Chess Puzzle#16. The answer is R-b7 check. Black then plays BxR. White then plays N-c2, check. Black is forced to play NxN. Then R-b5 is checkmate.

Congratulations if you got them all!

Online Chess Puzzles 1-4

This post includes four chess puzzles that are guaranteed to challenge you – no matter what level you’re at: 1.) beginner mate in one, 2.) beginner mate in two, 3.) intermediate mate in two, and 4.) advanced mate in three. There’s only one correct answer for each. Good luck!

The first chess puzzle is a beginner level mate in one. There is only one correct answer.

chess-puzzle 1 beginner p. 8 #2 mate in 1

This second chess puzzle is a beginner level mate in two. Again, there is only one correct set of moves.

chess-puzzle 2 beginner p.15 #3 mate in 2

 Chess puzzle number three is an intermediate level mate in two.
(White to play.)

chess-puzzle 3 intermediate p. 8 #1 mate in 2

And lastly, an advanced level mate in three. (White to play.)

chess-puzzle 4 advanced p.12 #1 mate in 3

Again, best of luck and look for the correct answers in my next post!