Online Chess Puzzles 23-25

Here are three new chess puzzles that I know you will find challenging. As usual, I have included one for beginner level players, one for intermediate level players and one for the advanced players. All puzzles begin with white to play. Good luck!

Chess puzzle #23 is a
beginner level mate in 1.

chess-puzzle 23 B p.10 #5 mate in 1

Chess puzzle #24 is an
intermediate level mate in 2.


chess-puzzle 24 I p.9 #3 mate in 2

And, chess puzzle #25 is an
advanced level mate in 2.


chess-puzzle 25 A p.11 #6 mate in 2

Answers to Online Chess Puzzles 17-19

Here are the answers to the online chess puzzles numbers 17-19. I hope you found the solutions to all of them!

Chess Puzzle #17. The answer is d8/Q is checkmate. Obviously R-c8 is not mate as the king escapes on f7.

Chess Puzzle #18. The answer is Rxd8.  The black king is forced to capture the rook on d8. Then R-e8 is checkmate.

Chess Puzzle #19. The answer is Q-a8 check. Black is forced to play Kxa8. White then plays Rxa5 double check. Black is forced to play K-b8. White then checkmates black with R-a8.

Congratulations if you got them all!

Answers to Online Chess Puzzles 11-13

Here are the answers to the online chess puzzles numbers 11-13. I hope you found the solutions to all of them!

Chess Puzzle #11. The answer is B-f7. Many people incorrectly see B-d3 check, but this allows the black king to escape.

Chess Puzzle #12. The first move here must be a check because black has mate on the move with Qxa1. So the answer is Qxh7 check. The black king is forced to play Kxh7. Then R-h4 is checkmate.

Chess Puzzle #13. This was a tricky one. The answer is Rxg7 check. Black is pretty much forced to play Kxg7. (Because if he plays K-h8, white plays Qxh7 for mate.) So if Kxg7, white plays B-h6 check. If black plays Kxh6 then Q-g5 is mate. Obviously, if black plays K-h8 instead of Kxh6, then Qxf8 is mate.

Congratulations if you got them all!