Answer To Chess Endgame Puzzle #54

The answer is for white to play Q-f4. Black is forced to play Qxf4 and white follows with R-g6 checkmate.

I hope you found the answer. Look for another new challenging chess strategy puzzle in my next post! If you would like to have these puzzles sent to you, just add your email address in the “Subscription Options” box and click “Subscribe.”

Chess Endgame Puzzle #54

Here is a chess endgame puzzle where we’re looking for mate in two.  It’s white to play.  The answer will appear in my next post.

chess-endgame-puzzle #54 p.171

Online Chess Endgame Puzzle #35

Here is another chess endgame puzzle where we’re looking for the winning move.  It’s black to play. See if you can find the correct move. The answer will appear in my next post.

Online Chess Endgame Puzzle #34

Here is another chess endgame puzzle where we’re looking for the winning move.  It’s black to play. See if you can find the correct move. The answer will appear in my next post.

 chess-puzzle #34 p.121

Answer To Online Chess Endgame Puzzle #33

The answer is for black to play R-g7. White can only play R-h7 and black checkmates with R-g8.

I hope you found the answer. Look for another new chess puzzle in my next post!

Online Chess Endgame Puzzle #33

Here is another chess endgame puzzle where we’re looking for the winning move.  It’s black to play. See if you can find the correct move. The answer will appear in my next post.


chess-puzzle #33 p.117

Answer To Chess Endgame Puzzle #32

First, you can readily see that unless white comes up with a forcing move, black could easily cause a lot of trouble for white starting with Q-d5+. So white needs to find a way to keep the heat on black first and does so with Rxd8+.  This black king pretty much has to recapture with Kxd8. (Obviously, if black plays K-e7, then Qxf8 is checkmate.)

So after black plays Kxd8, white responds with Qxf8+. The best move for black now is Q-e8. (Because if K-d7, white responds with Q-d6+, then after K-e8, white checkmates with R-c8.)

After black plays Q-e8, white plays R-c8+ winning the black queen for the rook. (Because after Kxc8, white plays Qxe8. Of course, if black plays K-d7, then white checkmate’s with Qxe8.)

I hope you found the answer. Look for another new chess puzzle in my next post!

Chess Endgame Puzzle #32

Here is another chess endgame puzzle that came from a game played by one of my students. We are again looking for the winning move.  It’s white to play. See if you can find the correct move. The answer will appear in my next post.

Answer To Online Chess Endgame Puzzle #31

The answer is N-h2. White is pretty much forced to play R-d3. Black then plays N-f3 and white is forced to trade his rook for the knight. After the black king recaptures the rook, black has an easily won end game by moving his king into position to queen his pawn. Congratulations if you found the correct move!

Chess Endgame Puzzle #31

Here is another chess endgame puzzle where we’re looking for the winning move.  It’s black to play. See if you can find the correct move. The answer will appear in my next post.

chess-puzzle #31 p. 115