Chess Endgame Puzzle #59

Here is a chess endgame puzzle where we’re looking for the winning move. It’s black to play.  The answer will appear in my next post.

chess-endgame-puzzle #59 p. 195

Answer To Chess Endgame Puzzle #57

The answer is for white to play Q-h8.  If black checks with Q-d1, then white wins with K-e7 or K-c7 discovered check.

I hope you found the answer. Look for another new challenging chess strategy puzzle in my next post! If you would like to have these puzzles sent to you, just add your email address in the “Subscription Options” box and click “Subscribe.”

Chess Endgame Puzzle #54

Here is a chess endgame puzzle where we’re looking for mate in two.  It’s white to play.  The answer will appear in my next post.

chess-endgame-puzzle #54 p.171

Answer To Online Chess Endgame Puzzle #38

The answer is for black to play B-d5. White is virtually forced to play Kxd5, then black queens his pawn on h1. If white queens his pawn on a8 he loses to K-f2 check.  Any other move by white instead of queening the pawn and black simply picks up the lone white pawn.

I hope you found the answer. Look for another new chess puzzle in my next post!

Online Chess Endgame Puzzle #38

Here is another chess endgame puzzle where we’re looking for the winning move.  It’s black to play. See if you can find the correct move. The answer will appear in my next post.

Answer To Online Chess Endgame Puzzle #36

The answer is for black to play Q-a1 check. White has two moves, either Q-c3 or K-e3. If he plays   Q-c3, then black plays Q-g1 for checkmate. If white plays, K=e3, then the same Q-g1 move now wins white’s queen.

I hope you found the answer. Look for another new chess puzzle in my next post!

Online Chess Endgame Puzzle #36

Here is another chess endgame puzzle where we’re looking for the winning move.  It’s black to play. See if you can find the correct move. The answer will appear in my next post.

Answer To Online Chess Endgame Puzzle #35

The answer is B-e4 check. Black obviously wins the queen if the white king moves out of the way. Black also wins the queen if white captures the bishop by playing Q-c2 check.

I hope you found the correct answer! Look for another chess puzzle in my next post.

Answers to Online Chess Puzzles 26-28

Here are the answers to the online chess puzzles numbers 26-28. I hope you found the solutions to all of them!

Chess Puzzle #26. The answer is simply, e4.

Chess Puzzle #27. The answer is N-h6, check. The black king is forced to move to f8. White then plays Nxe6 for checkmate.

Chess Puzzle #28. The answer is Qxc6. Black is forced to play bxc6. White then checkmates black with B-a6.

Congratulations if you got them all!

Online Chess Puzzles 26-28

Here are three new chess puzzles that I know you will find challenging. As usual, I have included one for beginner level players, one for intermediate level players and one for the advanced players. All puzzles begin with white to play. Good luck!

Chess puzzle #26 is a
beginner level mate in 1.

chess-puzzle 26 B p.13 #4 mate in 1

Chess puzzle #27 is an
intermediate level mate in 2.


chess-puzzle 27 I p.8 #3 mate in 2

And, chess puzzle #28 is an
advanced level mate in 2.


chess-puzzle 28 A p.11 #3 mate in 2

Again, best of luck and look for the correct answers in my next post!