Here are the answers to the online chess puzzles numbers 8-10. I hope you found the solutions to all of them!
Chess Puzzle #8. The answer is white plays Rxe8, black is forced to play Nxe8, and white responds with Rxe8, checkmate.
Chess Puzzle #9. The answer is white plays N-c7, black is forced to play Kd8, and then N-f7 is mate.
Chess Puzzle #10. There are two possible answers to this problem, depending on how black responds to white’s first move, which is R-g8+ If black plays Rxg8, then white plays Bf6+. Black is forced to play R-g7, white then follows with R-d8 mate. If Black responds to white’s R-g8+ move with Kxg8, then white plays R-g1, black must then play Kh8 and then B-f6 is checkmate.
Congrats if you got them all!
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