Advanced Chess Puzzle #41

Here is an advanced chess puzzle where it is white to move and mate in 3. Look for the answer in my next post. Good luck!

Answer To Advanced Chess Tactics Puzzle #40

This mate in 3 begins with white playing B-f8, discovered check. Black is forced to play B-h5. White then plays Qxh5 check. Black must respond with gxh5. Checkmate follows with white playing R-h6.

I hope you found the answer. Look for another in my series of chess puzzles in the next post!

Answer To Advanced Chess Tactics Puzzle #39

There are a couple of ways for white to win. First is, Rxf7. Virtually any move by black including KxR, is met with Q-g6 by white. Then mate in one follows. If after Rxf7, black plays RxQ, then white plays Rxg7 check and mate follows with N-g6.

Another way is for white to start with Q-g6, threatenting mate in 1. If black takes the white queen by playing (fxg6) then white plays Rxg7 check and mate again follows with N-g6.

I hope you found one of the answers. Look for another new chess puzzle in my next post!

Online Chess Puzzles 23-25

Here are three new chess puzzles that I know you will find challenging. As usual, I have included one for beginner level players, one for intermediate level players and one for the advanced players. All puzzles begin with white to play. Good luck!

Chess puzzle #23 is a
beginner level mate in 1.

chess-puzzle 23 B p.10 #5 mate in 1

Chess puzzle #24 is an
intermediate level mate in 2.


chess-puzzle 24 I p.9 #3 mate in 2

And, chess puzzle #25 is an
advanced level mate in 2.


chess-puzzle 25 A p.11 #6 mate in 2

Online Chess Puzzles 14-16

Here are three new chess puzzles that I know you will find challenging. I have included one for beginner level players, one for intermediate level players and one for the advanced players. All puzzles begin with white to play. Good luck!


Chess puzzle #14 is a beginner level mate in one.

chess-puzzle 14 beginner p.8 #5 mate in 1

Chess puzzle #15 is an intermediate level mate in 2.

chess-puzzle 15 intermediate p.8 #4 mate in 2

Chess puzzle #16 is an advanced level mate in 3.

chess-puzzle 16 advanced p.12 #2 mate in 3


 Look for the correct answers in my next post!