Chess Endgame Puzzle #61

Here is a chess endgame puzzle where we’re looking for the winning move. It’s white to play. The answer will appear in my next post. Good luck!

Chess Strategy Puzzle #56

Here is a chess puzzle where we’re looking for mate in 3.  It’s white to play.  The answer will appear in my next post.

chess-puzzle #56 A mate in 3

Advanced Chess Puzzle #53

Here is an advanced mate in 3 chess puzzle where it is black to move. The answer will appear in my next post. Good luck!

chess-strategy-puzzle #53 A p. 15-6 mate in 3

Answer To Advanced Chess Strategy Puzzle #51

This mate in 3 begins with white playing Q-d8 check. Black is forced to play Kxd8. White then plays Bxg5 double check.  The black king can only move to e8 and white checkmates with R-d8.

I hope you found the answer. Look for another new challenging chess strategy puzzle in my next post! If you would like to have these puzzles sent to you, just add your email address in the “Subscription Options” box and click “Subscribe.”

Advanced Chess Strategy Puzzle #51

Here is an advanced mate in 3 chess puzzle where it is white to move. The answer will appear in my next post. Good luck!

Answer To Advanced Chess Strategy Puzzle #50

This mate in 3 begins with white playing Nxd7 check. Black is forced to play K-g8. White then plays R-e8 check and black must play B-f8. White then checkmates with the move Rxf8.

I hope you found the answer. Look for another new challenging chess strategy puzzle in my next post! If you would like to have these puzzles sent to you, just add your email address in the “Subscription Options” box and click “Subscribe.”

Answer To Advanced Chess Strategy Puzzle #49

This mate in 3 begins with black playing Qxg2 check. White is forced to play Kxg2. Black follows with R-g6 check. If white plays K-h1, black wins with Nxf2. If white plays K-f3, black wins with N-d2.

I hope you found the answer. Look for another new challenging chess strategy puzzle in my next post! If you would like to have these puzzles sent to you, just add your email address in the “Subscription Options” box and click “Subscribe.”

Advanced Chess Strategy Puzzle #49

Here is an advanced mate in 3 chess puzzle where it is black to move. The answer will appear in my next post. Good luck!

Answer To Chess Strategy Puzzle #48

This mate in 3 begins with white playing Qxc8 check. Black is forced to play K-e7. White then plays B-d6 check and black is forced to play Kxd6. White then mates with Q-d7.

I hope you found the answer. Look for another new challenging chess strategy puzzle in my next post! If you would like to have these puzzles sent to you, just add your email address in the “Subscription Options” box and click “Subscribe.”

Chess Strategy Puzzle #48

Here is an advanced chess strategy puzzle where it is white to move. There are many ways for white to win material, but we’re looking only for the mate in 3. The answer will appear in my next post. Good luck!